Silk Lantern Festival & LED Light Display At A Upscale Villa Area Malaysia Penang

Last year, It is July,2018, Our big  scenery engineer project silk lantern festival & LED light display at a upscale Villa area is finished. This place is Malaysia Penang. We paid a lot of hard work, and the result is perfect amazing you! lets see the project one by one.

 Huge outdoor Arena, the background scenery of the area is made by our lantern craftsmanship & LED lighting effects. the performance is just Super great well.

 This is on the daytime, the appearance of the lantern festival and the LED, they are not work at the time.

 This Archdoor is made of our lantern technology & LED light display. you can see a contrast effect. one picture is taken on night, the other one is taken on daytime. and so as the following items in this article if without special state for it.

 Giant fish lantern across the road, automatically change himself in 7 colors. people can go in it's mouth and have a detail look and out of it's tail.


  Lantern elephant stands still and  he is looking at you, see if you give him some food like banana or apples.

 Oh, gorgeous light scenery, lotus with leaves, yes, they are dancing and seduce you.

Huge Mushrooms, small trees with red or yellow fruits. they are playing on the park.

 Yes, another lotus with another post,  and dancing cranes, and leaves are glowing. but ,you do not forget, they are all silk lantern festival from China, from HYClight.

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